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Posted by Wendy Dessler on Nov 16th 2020

10 Things To Consider Before Storing Your Skincare In The Fridge

Not All Fridges Or Cosmetic Products Are The Same

Chilling skincare products in a fridge represents a common, necessary practice for a lot of reasons. article explores different refrigerators and freezers for just such a purpose.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll help you to make the best decision for temperature-sensitive cosmetic products, and we’ll explore ten considerations necessary for choosing the best possible fridge or freezer.

1. Coldness Quotient
Just how good does the fridge or freezer in question get, and how cold do you need it to be? There are many refrigerator options which give you the ability to control coldness to a point. Sometimes you need to put something in the “deep freeze”, other times that’s overkill. Know the temperature range that best fits your overall needs.

2. The Heating Angle
Skincare products may do best when cold, but their application requires some malleability. If you need to freeze those products, you may need to heat them up. Sometimes extreme heat or cold can activate or deactivate therapeutic compounds within a given skincare product. Beyond how cold your refrigerator/freezer can get, how “warm” can it get?

You should have total control over temperature, up to what average room temperatures tend to be where you are. But your fridge shouldn’t get warmer than that when you need things to be cool, either. For example, you may lose power; whatever fridge you have should retain cool under room temperature for many hours after the fact.

Einstein invented a refrigeration scheme that was patented, and included no moving parts or electricity. That fridge would stay where you set it continuously. Such options aren’t available today, but the technology is out there, so carefully search for what options are known to be the most reliable.

3. How Much Is Being Stored?
Sometimes you’re storing skincare products for personal use, sometimes you’re storing them in a laboratory setting where large quantities must be tested and maintained at a certain chemical level over long periods of time. Know what your storage needs are, and buy accordingly.

4. How Accessible Is The Fridge Or Freezer?
Some refrigerators have all you need, but you’ve got to stoop down to open them. Others have a door that may swing the wrong way for where you’re placing it, and you’ve got no choice in its placement. Be sure whatever fridge you use can be accessed as necessary. For a fine selection of equipment that is easy to access, visit American BioTech Supply.

5. Utility: Will The Fridge Be Used For Multiple Kinds Of Storage?
Freezer and refrigerator storage for skincare is one thing, storage for food is another. Sometimes you’ll need to use the fridge for both types of storage—can you “quarantine” the non-food from the food? Determine if the fridge requires more than one sort of storage.

6. Cost: What Sort Of Budget Are You Working With?
If you’re just using a fridge to keep skincare products cool, you may be fine purchasing a cheap small option from a retail outlet. However, if you’re looking to maintain a deep freeze for biomedical supplies—some of them cosmetic—over the long-term, you may want to spend a little more. Know your needs and your budget to determine the proper range here.

7. Overall Size: Beyond Storage Capacity, Will It Fit?
Some refrigerators are big enough you can literally walk inside them, others are small enough you might only be able to fit one or two single-serving meals inside. Look for refrigerator options that will fit where you need them to be, and store what you need them to store.

8. Security: Some Options Have Access Code Capability
A “smart” fridge can be configured to “lock out” those who shouldn’t have access—though such options may be a bit more pricey. If you can’t afford such an option, then there are also fridges you can secure with a padlock. Understand what security you’ll need, and factor this aspect into your purchase process.

9. Energy Consumption: Different Units Use More Or Less
If you’re running an “earth-ship” (read: eco-friendly sustainable off-grid home), you may well need a refrigerator to retain coolness using solar energy, which is much less than traditional energy consumption for a refrigerator. If you’re running a lab, your electricity budget will likely be more generous. Understand how much energy the fridge uses before you buy.

10. Aesthetics: Does The Fridge Have Decorative Alignment?
Last but not least: how good-looking is the fridge? Do you need it to match a certain decorative scheme, or will any old boxy black-and-white model do? If you’ve got time, budget, and decoration considerations, factor those in.

Finding The Right Fridge Or Freezer For Your Skincare Products
How cold the fridge can get, how much heat you need when removing skincare products from the fridge, the level of storage necessary, accessibility, utility, cost, size, security, energy consumption, and overall aesthetics represent ten key things to consider as you go about acquiring a fridge or freezer for biotech storage.

Explore the options available, and get something properly representative. There’s no reason to hurry, and plenty of reason to carefully account for all the associated angles in this decision. Biotech products for personal and scientific use can be expensive, and you should be able to trust in the refrigerators or freezers you utilize for their storage.