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How Treasured Locks Helped Me Make The Transition to Natural Hair

this is an email that we received from a long time client. She was replying to one of our newsletters. We have reprinted it here, with her permiission

Hello, Tywana and Brian I truly thank you guys for these updates and communication. I know I’m not on the site nearly as much as I used to be, but I still read these updates and visit the site based on the products you showcase. When I accessed the link to your e-book , I realized that it was info I had already had years ago from your site. Yes, I had gotten it from the Beauty 101 and printed out pages and pages of info. I’ve placed that info in a huge binder I have with other materials about natural hair care. This is to say that I thank God for your website and your customer service. I’ve been reading and researching on your site since 2004 when I ordered the SheaMoisture Shea Butter Leave in Conditioner. That stuff was “da bomb” on my hair. Even a white, female minister who often visited my church saw me and said “Wow, Kimberly. Your hair is so beautiful and shiny.”

I can remember contacting you with questions and concerns about the scalp burns and the frequency in which I was getting my relaxers (every four weeks). Brian responded to my message, and suggested me spacing out the frequency of my perms. I followed thru on that suggestion, and asked my stylist if I could stretch my perm to six weeks one time. She agreed, and when I did get my touch-up, she complained about having to use a whole jar of perm on my head. She said she’d never do that again unless she charged me $100 (A touchup on a relaxer cost $50). I therefore went back to my 4-week frequency. However, the words that Brian said in his response remained with me. I remember him mentioning that I knew what was going on with the scalp burns, the itching and the flakes. Yet, I was in denial and wanted a quick, miracle fix. I wasn’t quite ready to take a step and do the thing that was deep in my spirit or subconscious.

Years later, I have gotten up the nerve to take that step. I have gone natural. I got my last perm on November 25, 2009 and started my transition process. October 16, 2011 will be a year since I’ve been fully natural. I’ve had good days and bad days, but I’m definitely learning my hair and I haven’t looked back. I’m proud of my decision to go natural because I feel like it’s one of the first and few decisions I’ve made that has truly been my own. I say that because I know that most people where I’m from still aren’t down with natural hair. They’re caught up on the “good hair” and the “not everyone can go natural” mindsets. Yet, I’m encouraged, and I’m going on.

I must confess that part of the reason I haven’t been on your site for a while is because I’ve been a bit of a product junkie. I’ve purchased a number of products from other sites and outlets only to have to throw them away later. Most of the products I’ve ordered from you along with items from health food stores have been standbys in my regimen at home. Every now and then, I go to my stylist (a different one who did rod sets and braids on my hair during my transition). I’ve gotten knowledge and inspiration about natural hair from a number of sites. But I must say that before I knew about Nappturality, Fotki and Youtube tutorials, there was Treasured Locks. I know people have given you flack about providing info for maintaining permed hair. That was the perfect thing for me. I was getting perms when I came upon your site and your products. Not everyone is in the same place when it comes to their hair journeys, and your site caters to those differences. Your site provided the first bit of information I knew about transitioning and what to expect when going natural. Believe me. Knowledge is power when it comes to transitioning, especially when you’re in a region that doesn’t cater to natural hair much. While Atlanta is a mecca teeming with Natural Hair care salons and knowledge, my local area (just 2 ½ hours south of Atlanta) is definitely not the same.

Right now, I’ve slowed down on ordering new products and I’m concentrating on using ones I’ve already ordered. I can’t say that I will ever stop being curious or trying different products and brands. However, I believe your site and products will always be sources of info and hair care that I revisit. Thanks for your business and communications.

Wheww, I realized that I’ve pretty much told my whole natural hair journey, and I haven’t been one to really document my journey. Maybe this is something I needed to do. I hope this is a good read and that I haven’t bogged you down. Until next time, keep up the good work and innovative natural products.

With much love and bushy hair,
